Our exhibitors in 2022
Sunny Side Ups

Comedy fantasy animation series in which Emmy, an alien who has come to Earth, and her friends play with the things they encounter and discover in their daily lives, letting their imaginations explode!
Emmy comes to live with her grandparents on Earth for a while, and encounters many "new things" on Earth. Each time, she shows her imagination and gets her friends involved in a grand "pretend play"
Children play freely in their imaginary world. However, their pretend plays are so free that they always take unexpected turns! Children from various backgrounds sometimes clash with each other, but they cooperate to overcome unexpected happenings. This is a hyper imaginative comedy in which you can enjoy "what would be nice if we could do such-and-such" from a child's point of view.
This is a comedy series, full of imagination in which children enjoy “encountering new happenings” from a child’s perspective.
Theme of this show is Imagination, Friendship, and Adventure.
Through Emmy’s adventure, I want to show children how important imagination is, how fun it is to play together, and how wonderful it is to be unique.
My imagination has helped me when I've felt lonely when I was a child. I hope that many children will learn the joy of imagination through this animation.
Planning: Taka Kato, Emmy Ozawa
Director / Character design / Art director: Taka Kato
Production Partner: Flying Ship Studio, Inc.
Producer: Emmy Ozawa
©Studio Selfish LLC
Creator Profile

Studio Selfish LLC
Studio Selfish LLC is established in December 2021 and represented by Taka KATO (Takako KATO), participates in projects both in Japan and abroad, focusing on planning and producing animations and stories, picture books and character design, aiming to bring “small happiness” to children around the world.
Achievements under the name, Taka KATO: Baby TV [Rocco] (director and designer), HTB [On-chan] (director). “Doggy Bones in Twinkle Winkle Somewhere Land” won the Tokyo Anime Award 2009.
Company Contact
Studio Selfish LLC
214, Wakore Ogikubo
5-14-5 Ogikubo, Suginami-ku, Tokyo
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Timid Muumuu

Muumuu, the main character, who lives by a forest, is a curious five-year-old kitten.
On the other hand, at the slightest provocation he goes into "timid mode".
When he is in timid mode, he becomes scared of many things around him.
Sometimes they are shadows, sometimes they are plants, sometimes they are creatures.
However, the truth is that most of Muumuu's feeling of fear come from what he doesn't understand.
Muumuu overcomes his fears by learning from the "little experts" around him who are a little bit more knowledgeable about science and living creatures.
The concept of this animation series is "knowledge is kindness”.
As Muumuu acquires knowledge, he is able to overcome his fears and becomes kinder. At the same time, I wanted to create an animation project that could widen the horizons of viewers and encourage them to be kinder.
Director, Planning and Character Design: Rika Asakawa
Production: Artworks
Creator Profile

Our concept is "to make what is difficult interesting”.
Artworks is the sole proprietorship of Rika Asakawa and undertakes creative projects such as animation and manga production for audiences ranging from children to adults.
"The Edge of Memory" was nominated for a film award, is now being distributed nationwide through a streaming service.
Company Contact
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The last diviner, Hana

The story is set at the end of the Edo period in the late 19th century.
Hana KADEI, lives with her father, a failed “on-myo-ji” (diviner), for the imperial house in a mountainous area of Kyoto.
One day TSUCHIMIKADO, the head Kyoto on-myo-ji, summons Hana and her father to join him in battle to protect the Emperor.
TSUCHIMIKADO’s intention is to recover the authority of on-myo-ji, which had been lost for many years. As the head of the KADEI family after her father passed away from illness, Hana is assigned responsibility for guarding the Imperial Palace,
Nevertheless, because she is a woman, she is looked down upon by male on-myo-ji and samurai. But she even engages in battle with powerful, enemy on-myo-ji who have joined the Shogunate forces (a countervailing power to the Emperor).
For the past three years, I have been going to Kyoto to research on the last days of on-myo-ji.
The theme of the story is diversity. Initially, the tradition of the on-myo-ji, which lasted for a thousand years, is only seen from one angle by the protagonist.
Her experiences with different people enable her to understand how diverse the on-myo-ji are. Through this story, I want to convey the idea that humanity is rich in diversity.
Moreover, I hope the story of Hana, who survives in the male-dominated society of on-mayo-ji, will inspire women in Japan to work for women’s social progress.
Producer: Hitomi TOYONAGA, Toshiya KUSANO, Hiroki TANIGUCHI
Creator Profile

The company has produced animation series such as "Anpanman," and "Like the Wind" and "CHARA-MARU-kun and DOKU-MARU-kun" as its independent productions. Our aim is to promote Japanese animations to the world and to "nurture kindness and imagination" in the hearts of children.
The company is actively participating in various events in Nishitokyo City such as monthly trash pickups in towns, eco-cap collection, blood donation campaigns, and creating animations with elementary school children in their classes.
Company Contact
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BYTHEWAY, an adventuring alien

A slapstick comedy following the life on Earth of a shark-shaped, dancing alien named “BYTHEWAY”.
BYTHEWAY came to Earth from a distant galaxy. Full of curiosity, everything he sees on this strange new planet is an exciting adventure.
Skateboards, popcorn, and even rain are new to him. BYTHEWAY doesn’t know anything about Earth rules and customs, so his actions are sometimes outrageous and cause trouble, but through these experiences he gradually grows up on his new planet.
When he feels happy or sad, he expresses his feelings by dancing. The kids watching will be as curious as he is and will learn how to interact with the world through their involvement. Also, there is no doubt that kids will enjoy dancing along with BYTHEWAY!
The concept of this anime is simple. Be happy to see BYTHEWAY! Through his lovely personality, adventures and dancing, we aim to create an animation that brings joy and happiness to the kids. We also want viewers to enjoy sharing the new experiences as BYTHEWAY grows up on Earth.
Author: Satoshi Tomioka
Original Character Design: Aguri Miyazaki
Director / Screenwriter / Art Director: Atsuhito Seki
Creator Profile

Kanaban Graphics, Ltd.
Kanaban Graphics is a CGI animation studio known for a wide range of work such as “Usavich”, “Yan Yan Machiko”, “Inazma Delivery”, commissioned TV series, games, and commercials. The studio’s expertise ranges from planning, script writing, staging, storyboarding, and art direction, to the entire process of CGI production. The studio has successfully negotiated numerous licensing and distribution contracts in Japan and abroad.
Company Contact
Kanaban Graphics, Ltd.
Daishin NS Building 9F, 1-13-18 Honcho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-0012
Summary in English/French (Download)

Cup of Love

Hey there! I’m M-size Coffee Cup. Isn’t it weird I’m talking to you? Well, not really! We coffee cups have emotions too, you know. We laugh, we cry, we get angry or depressed, and sometimes we feel…just...empty. In this series, we explore the lives of Tokyo’s coffee cups. From the cool and stylish coffee float glass, to the small but powerful espresso cup, we learn more about these unique personalities and their dramatic daily adventures. Just like that first coffee in the morning, discovering this series will immediately brighten up your day!
Of course, Tokyo’s cafes are a place of fun, laughter and chatter. But sometimes, they can also be a place of quiet reflection. When I first began working full-time in the city, I would regularly visit my favorite coffee shop to think and to work through the stresses of the day. This series is inspired by that experience. Those small moments with just my thoughts and a cup of coffee were so valuable to me, and I want to share that joy with as many people as possible!
Direction / Scenario: Memi FEE
Creator Profile

Memi FEE
Memi FEE worked for many years in New York, USA, as an illustrator and graphic designer. Since returning to Japan, she has used her rich experience living abroad and her English skills to develop activities in different media, and she has started to produce animations. Her four-frame comic strip "LOL New Yorkers," which depicts her life in New York, is currently being serialized in a local magazine (2022).
Company Contact
Memi FEE
Nakano-ku, Tokyo
Instagram @cupoflove_memifee
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